The Song.


A couple of days ago I got slightly overexcited when I realised that Adele was realising her new album next month. And then it happened. Here came the countless hours of listening to her new single Hello... For those who don't know me too well, I can reveal a fact about myself - I do get obsessed. I discover a song/an album that I deeply fall in love with (I suppose it's like falling in love with a guy but does not as painful when a fling finishes) and I dive into it as far as the deep end goes, I listen and listen and listen to it, I play it on repeat, I come back to it after every random song that plays on shuffle in my over 500 songs Spotify collection. I find motivation and a need to do something useful, to be productive and stop procrastinating and I genuinely wish I found songs like that more often than I do. And it does not have to have a beat or a secret meaning but it must have something that would make my heart beat faster, something that would summon the formation of goosebumps. And then it just clicks.

I get this feeling of being whole again, of being able to do it all and not freak out  because of all the pressure and suspense. At this particular moment I am finding myself really terrified of the future, I have no clue what to do, where to go and am petrified of being all alone in a new place all over again... And music is the only thing that keeps me sane (kind of). Being an adult is amazing but it can get so hard at times. All the questions you get asked you don't have answers to, all the ideas or in some cases the lack of them, all the jobs you do, when you work almost every day and are still scrambling for money and there is no one to hold you when you need to be held, then out of a sudden you start thinking about things that you have lost, people you may have loved more than they loved you back and you still do, about the good moments you can never get back, about the bad ones, which hurt you so deeply and it can get too much. So then you just dance to your greatest tunes and clean a bath or two. Well, at least that is how I deal with my life most of those days...

I feel like Adele's Hello reaches so close to my heart... She sings about loss and regret and even though almost everyone has written a song about these life shadows, the way she put it all together can only be called a masterpiece. Not everyone can channel their emotions for their creative process - we all try, some of us fail, and some succeed. Some people and their emotions are not meant to work well together to create something meaningful just like some people may not be meant to be together(if you believe in these things). But Adele and has been pushed to an amazing songwriter by all the things she had been through. And I can only admire and turn the volume up!


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